
Showing posts from July, 2021

86th Post....Group Play Restart....

 Monday 19th July 2021 saw the restart, after months of covid-19 restrictions, of the Group Play.   Group A recommenced with Week 9 of 12 weeks.  We had 8 players on a lovely morning [ the start of a heat wave ].   Reminder:  We play a max of 3 games each session.  If you manage to start a 4th game it won't count to your total for the day.  We draw cards for the partners to play doubles but occasionally you might be playing singles, depending on numbers.  Your best 24 game total out of a possible 36 games makes allowance for absences and some lower scores.  The positions at this point reflect the number of games played as much as the quality of play.  There are 3 more Monday competition days in this session. The welcome heat wave last week saw many players on holidays and some finding the temperatures, even early in the morning in the absence of shelter, too oppressive.  The temperatures are due to abate tomorrow so we hop...

85th Post...Allez les Bleus...GOYBIG...

Our thanks to Alan McDermott for taking these photos at the BBC Bayside Boules Community Bastille Day event on Wed. 14th July, in Alden Park.  Though unconnected to the group he gave of his time and expertise to record the early part of the event on a beautiful morning.   With the ravages of Covid abated for now we had a slightly restrained event this year.  In the circumstances we had a 'Fun' hour followed by a 'time-out' for refreshments and then we had a game involving most of the attendees on all four Pistes. Our thanks to the Committee and others who set up the area in advance of the celebration and dismantled the decorations afterwards.  Thanks also to all the attendees who made the morning with most wearing a nod to French Couture!  Thanks to Gerry L for his French sound track which added to the atmosphere and Charlie for his bunting etc. The following photos are a selection of Alan's. We had a small, token, prize giving afterwards for the 'winners' ...

84 th Post....The Calm before the Storm [ of the Bastille!]

  Bit of excitement at Bayside Square on Thursday 8th July with the official opening of the anchor client. Meanwhile, back near Alden Park we had our own excitement ..... Contrary to rumours it wasn't for the SKY Sports Cameras covering our Matchplay Singles Final but rather mundanely preparations for the revamping of the school roof. In the silly season between competitions and Group Play our equivalent of 'Crop circles' began to appear in the park. Reminder:  Tomorrow Monday 12th July we restart the old Group A Competition meeting at 9.45 to start at 10 a.m.  We have a few games to complete the old competition. Group B start play on Tuesday morning meeting at 9.45 to start at 10 a.m. If  Group B could play at their allotted time but delay the start of their own 'Competition' for a couple of weeks if will give time to organise the Group, collect  a small fee to buy a prize for their group competitions and align their next competition with the next Group A compe...