65th Post...A Plan for Living...
Following suggestions from members of the B.B.C. Boules Group and with the new Level 5 Covid Restrictions in place - 'A Plan for Living' - we decided that the normal group playing couldn't continue but we could run a Singles Matchplay competition without contravening the restrictions. Below are a list of some of the behaviours that will allow it happen. B.B.C. Boules during Level 5 Plan for Living Oct. 17th to Nov 30th No GROUP PLAY during this period. For this period we are playing a Singles Matchplay Competition. No more than 4 players on the courts / pistes in total. Only 2 pistes to be in use at any time. Use Piste A and C or B and D to keep distance between players. Wear masks and social distance even if from same household. Mark out your own throwing circle / line. Use your own boules etc. Bring a measuring tape and pen and paper for keeping scores. A rake is available if you need it. Contact the designated person/s with scores. Follow the Blog and WhatsApp group to...