136th Post: Making progress

 Monday Competition:

What a finish to what might be the last Monday Competition for a while. The top four players Larry, Chris, Sean and Ciarán were separated by just 3 points.  Ciarán, with a Running Total of 233 just pipped Sean to win the trophy.  Congratulations Ciarán.
As per Inaugural AGM we are canvassing members to check if a change of date from Monday is desirable.  From the poll results to date it seems that the Monday Competition will remain for now.  A few members are excluded by this arrangement but we may consider a separate Saturday Competition for any interested parties, going forward.

Precision Shooting:
Ciarán and Dirk represented BBC at the inaugural National Competition in Bushy Park.  They were generally playing at the same time so didn't get a chance to take any photos themselves.  The competition was stiff but they acquitted themselves well.  By next year, with the assistance of Tom Buckley's machine, and more practice we should be better placed to contest. 

Night Boules:
Recently a couple of Bushy Park players who live on this side of the city researched a location nearer to their address . They play, on occasions, in Fairview Park in the evenings, on a gravel area They met Dirk who was practicing his precision shooting on the pistes in Alden Park recently.  Sujeet, a top player in Ireland, was the first player to arrive and was introduced to Ciarán and Tom D.  He was keen to use the facility outside his work hours and since Autumn arrived he has, with friends, played under lights occasionally.  He is a skilled player who hopefully will assist our development going forward.

A Welcome Visitor:
We had a surprise visit one evening from the legend that is Gerry Wolfe.  Not alone did he call by on the eve of his 60th wedding anniversary but he brought a box of sweets to share and he played for the remainder of the session.  He fills his time with indoor bowls, cycling, visits to the gym and Croke Park! 

Transition Year pupils from St. Fintans.
At the suggestion of Susan Glynn from Bayside Community Association a group of TY students from St. Fintan's arrived to do community work -removing weeds from around the perimeter of Alden Park.  A handful of them came to the pistes and helped us restore the flower bed that had been removed, to allow for the new pistes installation, and place it in its new position.  Karl, Ben, Sam and Adam were most helpful and diligent.  I contacted the school to thank them and their supervising teachers and also offered the opportunity, should they wish, to try the sport later in the year with assistance from ourselves under the supervision of the TY Teachers.  They made contact to say they'd hope to take us up on the offer.  It would be wonderful to have a connection with the primary and secondary schools in the area.


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