129th Post: N.B. Inaugural General Meeting of Bayside Boules Club
Saturday 2nd March in Bayside Community Centre at 7pm
Please read the previous blog post for all the background information.
If you would like to be considered for election please forward your intention to Tom at 0874115145.
Welcome + Safety message
Reminder to sign in
Appreciation of the work of the previous ad-hoc committee members
Report on the uptake of the new Memberships.
Vote to accept the new Title: Bayside Boules Club
Vote to accept the New Constitution or amended version
Requirements for membership of Fingal Public Participation Network
Election of officers to include: Chairperson, Secretary, Fixture/Competition Secretary, Treasurer, .........
Some planned events for 2024
Close meeting
Please read the proposed Constitution below before the IGM new Saturday.
The Club shall be known as “BAYSIDE BOULES CLUB” [BBC]
The play areas [ Pistes ] are situated in Alden Park, Bayside, Sutton [ Fingal Co Co.]
3.1 The aim of the Club shall be to foster and to encourage the playing of the sport of
Boules, also known as ‘Pétanque’.
3.2 The Club shall be affiliated to the Irish Pétanque Association [IPA].
4.1 Membership shall be open to anyone upon payment of the appropriate membership fee.
4.2 The Management Committee has the right to refuse or to terminate Membership.
Anyone, so excluded, has the right to submit an appeal to the Committee within 14 days of receiving the notice of refusal or exclusion.
4.3 Membership shall not be denied to any person on the grounds of gender, sexual
orientation, race, politics, disability, or religion.
4.4 Members must adhere to any Policies or Codes of Conduct agreed by the membership.
5.1 Should a Club member act in any way in a manner contrary to Club rules [to be prepared] or
accepted standards of behaviour, the Executive Committee shall have the power to suspend or
curtail full or part membership rights forthwith and at any time if it is deemed to be in the interests
of the Club to do so. Anyone incurring such a penalty will have the right of appeal against the
decision as long as the appeal is received in writing by the Executive Committee no later than 14
days from notification of the decision. Any disciplinary action will be conducted in line with BBC
disciplinary procedures.
6.1 The club shall be managed by a Management Committee of no more than seven
members elected at the AGM.
6.2 The Management Committee shall comprise the Chairperson, Honorary Secretary,
Honorary Treasurer and four other members elected by the members at the Annual General Meeting.
6.3 All officers of the Committee shall be honorary.
6.4 Any member shall be eligible for election to the committee, provided they are properly
nominated and seconded, and they indicate consent to serve at the AGM. If more than one member is nominated for the Officer Board [ Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer] then an election, with tellers appointed, will apply. Likewise, if the remaining positions are over-subscribed.
6.5 If an Officer, for any reason, is unable to perform their duties the committee shall make
alternative arrangements for the performance of their duties.
6.6 The Management Committee shall have the power to co-opt members provided the
maximum number of committee members permitted by clause 6.1 is not exceeded.
6.7 Management Committee members shall have one vote each at committee meetings,
then, should it be necessary, the Chairperson shall have a second or casting vote.
6.8 The Committee shall meet at least three times a year or at such other times as are
considered necessary by the Chairperson and Secretary, or, on request to the Chairperson by four members of the Committee.
6.9 A quorum for all Management Committee meetings shall be, at least, three members.
6.10 A member of the committee being absent without a satisfactory explanation for three
consecutive meetings shall be deemed to have resigned from the Committee.
6.11 Meetings may be Online or In-person.
6.12 Minutes and records of attendance at all meetings shall be kept by the Honorary Secretary.
6.13 The Chairperson shall be responsible for the orderly conduct of all meetings of the ‘Club’
and Committee in accordance with the Constitution.
7.1 Meetings of the ‘Club’ shall follow standard committee practice.
7.2 A motion must be seconded before it can be discussed.
7.3 An amendment may not be a direct negative of a motion.
7.4 The vote on an amended motion shall be taken before the vote on the motion.
7.5 No motion or amendment, which has been moved and seconded, can be withdrawn
without the consent of the meeting.
7.6 The mover of a motion shall not speak longer that five minutes, and each subsequent
speaker not longer than three minutes.
7.7 The mover of the motion shall have the right of reply.
7.8 A member at any time may address the Chair on a point of order but shall confine all remarks to
the point of order raised.
7.9 No member shall speak twice to the same motion except the mover of the motion in reply.
7.10 The method of election of Officers shall be as follows:
Election to the Committee shall be by simple majority.
The acceptance of a procedure motion shall be at the discretion of the Chair.
All remarks must be made to the Chair and questions to other members must be put through the Chair
8.1 The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall ordinarily be held during the months of
Jan /Feb. The election of officers shall take place at the AGM.
8.2 Three weeks’ notice of the forthcoming Annual General Meeting must be given to all fully
paid-up members of the Club.
8.3 The Quorum for a General Meeting is 20% of the paid-up membership.
8.4 Items for the agenda of the Annual General Meeting must be provided in writing to the
Secretary two weeks prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting.
8.5 At General Meetings each member has one vote. Only fully paid-up
members have the right to vote.
8.6 All meetings, including the AGM must be documented and minutes made available to
any appropriate party.
8.7 Extraordinary General Meetings [ EGM ] can be called at any time by the Club’s
Management Committee or by one third of the remaining fully paid-up members of the
Club by ‘formal’ contact with the chairperson. Seven days’ notice must be given to the
9.1 The constitution shall not be altered or amended except with the consent of two thirds
of the members in attendance at the AGM or EGM convened for such a purpose.
9.2 The Committee shall be the final authority on the interpretation of the Articles of the
9.3 Questions arising, not covered by the Constitution, will be considered by the Committee
whose decision will be final pending discussion at the next AGM or EGM.
10.1 A record of all incoming monies and expenditures shall be maintained by the Honorary
Treasurer, who shall produce a record of the Club’s accounts for the Annual General Meeting.
10.2 The Club’s financial year shall be the Calendar Year Jan 1st to Jan 1st of the following
10.3 The Club’s funds shall be deposited at an agreed accredited financial institution under
the exclusive name Bayside Boules Club. All transactions must be authorized by two
nominated members of the Club.
10.4 The Club’s annual subscription shall be decided at the Annual General Meeting.
10.5 All reasonable expenses incurred by a member of the Club, on official club business,
approved by the Management Committee, shall be reimbursed from Club funds.
10.6 Membership will lapse if fees have not been paid on or before the 28th/29th February of the
club’s financial year.
10.7 Every effort must be made to keep the ‘Club’ solvent.
The Club may not be dissolved or amalgamated at any time unless two thirds of the paid-up members agree in attendance at an AGM or EGM. Any funds and assets, following discharge of debts and repayment of grants, shall be donated to a charity of the majority choice of the members.
This constitution was adopted by the members present on:
Things to expect in 2024 from BBC......
Two extra Pistes More access to internal Competition Singles Matchplay Doubles Matchplay Friday Night Boules Saturday morning Coaching Greater School Involvement - pupils, parents, grandparents and Teachers Business Houses Blitz Street League? Open Days More Home-Away Fixtures Bastille Day Boules Mike Deegan Memorial Trophy IPA events access IPA regional Inter-Club qualifiers
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