88th Post...BBC outreach....
B.B.C. v St Anne's
Our inaugural event involving friendly inter-group competition took place yesterday Sunday 8th August.
The eight best placed players from our recent Singles Matchplay represented the B.B.C. from Alden Park. A selection of eight players from St. Anne's Wednesday Group were invited to play against us.
The weather held out and we had a lovely couple of hours play. We split into pairs and, on this occasion, we played three games on the same Piste against the same pairing.
Ciaran has produced a great graphic of the results below. On this occasion we had the upper-hand. We hope that occasionally we will have some further interplay between the Boules Groups at both venues and involving different players. As an initial foray this was a great success. Our thanks to the spectators who added to the occasion.
The Open Doubles in Bushy Park due last Saturday was cancelled because of the rainfall forecast.
All-Ireland Singles Qualifiers:
This table [ courtesy of the I.P.A. ] is a 'who's who' of aspiring players on this island. Ciaran is going to test the waters in his first outing from Alden Park. The group will be split and Ciaran will be playing next Saturday 14th in Bushy Park in a qualifier for the finals at a later date. We wish him well and commend his courage in testing the waters. As you can see from the graphic many nationalities and provinces are represented [ except Connaught!]
Apologies as to the strange appearance of the IPA table. It reads vertically, if you have the patience, and Ciaran features at the end. It looks better on the web version.