35th Post......Let Youth have its Head

Ciaran has upgraded and updated the scoring sheet for our competitions.  It is "All Singing and Dancing" now ...very adaptive....this is a small screenshot that'll be posted on Competition weeks.

Despite the Coronavirus Lockdown we are still maintaining the Pistes...raking regularly; picking up litter; putting weedkiller on the perennials weeds that started to infiltrate the pathways; edging the grass around the boundaries and putting a polycarbonate cover over the signage for added protection.

In consultation with Ciaran, and providing the group are in agreement, he was more than happy to have the Perpetual Trophy for our competition named in memory of his late, father Tom Walsh who was an avid Lawn and Carpet Bowler and he would undoubtedly have loved to play Boules in the park.  We will source a suitable trophy and share the modest cost between the players and Ciaran.

Below are a series of coloured crests [ 10 x 5 ] I've ordered for the growing group, should anyone be interested.  They'll cost 5 euro each and can be ironed on or stitched on.  They are due to be delivered early May.  Players can opt for a couple of colours for different tops, if desired.

As was to be expected in a public park, like Alden Park, we don't have exclusive use of the facilities so a certain amount of use / abuse of the area is probable.  Last night a small group of late-teens had a barbecue at one of the tables.  Mick went down to check and noted that the one-use barbecues were on individual stands and not sitting directly on the tables.  They put all their rubbish, except cigarette butts, into the Centra bags they'd brought the stuff in and left the bag on a seat.  They stacked the 3 used barbecues for the embers to cool down.  In fairness, when you consider the damage that could have been done and despite the lack of social distancing, no damage was done to the facility.  We're not Park Wardens and we need to be onside with all users of the park and where possible gently remind them, if appropriate, and with personal safety in mind, to care for the park and all its users.  The following photos were taken this morning and the detritus ended up in my black bin as it would have taken ages to put it in the council-provided bins and in any event neither Ciaran nor I wanted to be handling the waste in these Coronavirus times.  I'll put a sign on the back of the notice board to encourage patrons to bring their rubbish with them and/or deposit it in the two bins provided at the entrances.

Fingal Parks Open Spaces Bye-Laws 2017

No person shall make any bonfire, fire or barbecue or light any fireworks in the park, save with the prior permission of the Council or in locations designated for such purposes.


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