27th Post.....the End of the Opening!.....
More photos from the Opening Day - Mon.17th Feb. courtesy of Shane O Neill [ SON Photography ]
Remember the 1st Competition for the BBC starts next Wednesday 4th March. At the end of a game those who are playing in the Competition enter their scores on the clipboard. These will be tabulated on the computer afterwards and a running total will be sorted. You can play with players not involved in the Competition just remember to enter your score after each end. Games start promptly at 10:30 and finish promptly at Noon. Finish the end you're playing when the noon alarm rings and enter the score achieved at that time. Remember only the best eight of your scores in the twelve week period will be counted. Here is a sample scoresheet from the current St. Anne's Park competition.
Some photos below from Sat 29th February before the next storm..Jorge...ploughs into us. well wrapped up despite the bright sunshine. 14 players. Great enjoyment.
N.B. As we try to start play at 10:30 please arrive by 10:15 so teams can be sorted and games started on time and no rearranging has to be done. Many thanks for your co-operation with this,.
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