114th Post. Out of the Traps in early 2023
Defibrillator points in the Bayside Area. This information is accurate as of today. Note: the external device has yet to be installed at the Community Centre. Hopefully by the end of February 2023. The Bayside Community Association have part-funded the proposed installation and on-going maintenance. Belated Group A Monday Singles Competition: Tom Buckley presented Sean Jenkins with the engraved Tom Walsh Memorial Trophy. The recent engravings were 2021: Ciaran Walsh x 2. 2022: Michael Dolan, Chris Grehan, Tom Buckley, Sean Jenkins. Presentations to Ciaran Walsh: By way of appreciation to Ciaran for all his work on behalf of BBC Charlie presented Ciaran with a voucher for a local restaurant from Group A. Group B will present their half of the present tomorrow morning at their session. Group B presentation to Ciaran from Frank on Tuesday Morning. We will be setting Group B up with a trolley and scoreboar...