132nd Post: Imminent Expansion to BBC
Monday Competition: As we are halfway through the final iteration of this competition and the competition is hotting up. As the weather improves so does the playing numbers. The competition whets the appetite and adds an edge to the friendly proceedings. When the new pistes arrive we will open up a weekly Competition to all interested players. Saturday Coaching: The Saturday 'half-hour', coaching has started before the 11:00 a.m. play. If interested, please arrive ready to start before 10:30 out of courtesy to the organisers have already spent time raking and setting out the various activities. Opportunities to develop Pointing, Shooting, Driving and Lobbing Skills are provided. Good practice is promoted and players get an opportunity to do multiple, focused activities with a view to trying new skills and improving older ones. Below: Ciarán demonstrating Shooting strategy. Pétanque Promotion in Schools: Tom, representing the IPA at a school inst...