120th Post Shoot Out at the B.B.C.
Singles Match Play Shootout: Ciaran has organised another first for our Group. A Singles Match Play Shootout for this coming weekend. We're looking for the Wyatt Earp and Annie Oakley of the Alden Park boulers...... This, on top of the Friday Evening Social Boules, which he also organised and is running very well in the Mediterranean conditions! [ thanks to Ciaran for photos] Primary School: Ciaran is also in the process of Garda Vetting to support the staff in the Primary School in setting up their engagement with the sport, probably now in the Autumn term. Thanks again Ciaran. Bastille Day: Our next 'Event' will be on the weekend of 15th /16th July with our now traditional French National Holiday Fun Boules Event. Maintenance: Our thanks to Tom B, Agnes and the other members who are continuing to maintain the area in and around the pistes. We still hope that the extra couple of pistes will come on stream in the reasona...