
Showing posts from December, 2019

15th Post: Happy New Year 2020

Almost all houses in Alden and Verbena Estates have now been canvassed regarding the new facility. Approximately 350 houses by hand-posted flyers.  Notices have been posted in Alden Park to advertise the upcoming practice dates. Bayside Community Association have been e-mailed and a post has been placed on their Facebook Page.  Their officers have been invited to play alongside the early up-takers on Thursday 2nd Jan. and/or Sat. 4th January [weather permitting] so that they are familiar with the game in advance of the official opening later in January 2020. Late December 2019 photos below. Me thinks the tape is needed!....nice footwear though! Great cluster of  Boules If interested the following post outlines the 'official' competition rules.  We're not at that stage and we apply local rules to simplify and speed up the play.  Not all our start-up gear is 'official' but it permits us to get equipment to as many players   as quickly a...

14th Post...The Weather mightn't be heating up but the Scoring is!

HAPPY CHRISTMAS 2019 -  BAYSIDE BOULES COMMUNITY - BBC! We hope to have a Christmas Session on Friday 27th weather permitting. Bring your own mince pie! Despite the weather we are continuing to develop the game in Alden Park with play on two mornings a week, when possible.  The combination of  'tutors' from St. Anne's Park and 'tutees' from the locality means we have healthy numbers.  The locals are now very competitive.  We play singles, doubles or triples depending on numbers.  As you can glean from the photos winning is becoming fashionable and habitual! Sometime in January Fingal Co. Co hope to officially open the facility.  Will keep everybody posted. We get passers-by taking a inquisitive interest...... As one players recently remarked ..'who put that  boiler house there?'  since going into its shade cause an obvious drop in temperature.

13th Post....Arctic....just the way we like it!

Eight hardy souls braved the elements this morning.. It was bright but the wind chill brought temperatures to near freezing.  However, we dressed for the occasion and layered-up. Fingal Co. Co. have notified us of their intention to officially open the facility in January 2020. Dates haven't been decided yet as diaries have to be checked.  We'll keep everyone informed so we'll have players available on the day. We've asked that, if possible, in advance of the opening that a small upgrade to the area would finsih it off.  Putting Wheelchair / Spectator width  pathways on all sides.  Also, if a wheelchair ramp could be provided at one piste.  We're continuing to maintain the area, including, raking after each set of games. We were joined today by a former double Dublin All-Ireland Minor football winner from 1955 and 1956.  Age has not robbed him of his competitive spirit and, along with us, he thoroughly enjoyed his games. True blue Ger...

12th Post....Exposure..

Into December 2019 with nine players on Sat 7th playing 3 x 3 singles games.   Locals Ciaran, Eileen and Tom supported by St Anne's Park players and a new couple Kevin and Barbra who have played abroad.   Thurs 5th Dec .  The weather held off to allow play go ahead.  The wind whipped up the leaves and wobbled the cosh but not the boules!! We rake the Pistes after or before play to dissolve the mini-craters left by the lobbed boules.  The St Anne's players are envious of the near-perfect surface in Alden Park, courtesy of Fingal Co. Co. At this stage all the residences in Alden Park, Alden Road, Alden Drive and Verbena Park have been notified of the introductory sessions in the park.  Our next session is on Monday 9th Dec.10:30 a.m. weather permitting.

11th Post.....Notice Anything....

Twelve played today with a mixture of St. Anne's Park tutors and local Residents.  Last Thursday Fingal Co. Co., as promised, posted the notice board beside the pistes incorporating English and Irish text and pictorial information regarding Boules.  While we are delighted with the facility we need the pathways extended so players are not obliged to walk directly onto the pistes or walk in the winter-sodden park. The morning was cool but dry and the twelve players were easily divided into three groups of four.  The starter sets of Boules have allowed the players enjoy the game and understand the tactics involved.  [My thanks to Dave for many of the photos ] Flyers were distributed to all the houses on Alden Park, Alden Drive and Alden Road.  Thus far it hasn't generated any players but we'll wait and see over the Winter season whether more players arrive.