133rd Post: Onwards and Upwards

New Arrivals:  

Our much anticipated two new Pistes have been installed by Martin King Landscapes [Contractor] with budget from Fingal Co. Co.  Our thanks to our local representatives, who were all returned at the recent local elections, for supporting the expansion and voting for the budget.  Thanks also to Martin King and particularly Ted Lynch, Lead Fingal Operations Officer for the Howth / Malahide area.

Our thanks to Tom B and Ciarán for the photos during the construction from Mon 10th to Wed 12th June 2024  This coincided with the driest spell in a while allowing the heavy machinery to leave little trace on the landscape.

From these suggestions :

To this:  [we're awaiting a drone camera photo if somebody knows somebody...!!]


The following day, Thursday, was a wash out so I captured the first formal shot before the Friday Night Boules on the new facility.....well played Kathryn.  Despite being very new the surface is settling well and very playable. 

The new installation will allow us to host more clubs and to cater for the expanding club.  The committee have decided leave the two new pistes unmarked, for the moment at least, to mimic the play areas elsewhere.  That will mean judging the 6m to 10 m by steps, if not agreed.  Using a single ring that is brought to the other end to start the next game.  It is dropped over the coche/jack and if you have over 10m available going forward you play from there.  If you don't have that distance the team/player in possession moves the circle back to ensure you have enough distance available to throw the coche.

Two wheelchair-friendly benches are due to be installed later.  The two new pistes are wheelchair accessible as are the pathways. The committee is in the process of designing a Banner/s to advertise our presence at events in Alden Park and the local area.  We are still considering club gear but for now the distinguishing 'CAPS' are serving the function at events.


Alongside our Saturday, half-hour, coaching sessions we invited some of the best Shooters/Pointers in PPC, who have  represented Ireland, to come and demonstrate the skills to us. Kevin Meniel and Colin Delaney made the trip to Alden Park and unfortunately Sareef Antanaroo made it to Bayside Square but got lost and went to St. Anne's instead where they met up and played for a further couple of hours after us!

Michael Daly, a member of PPC and BBC, presented two presentation packs of HOPE beer to Kevin and Colin for their efforts today.  The attendees were very impressed by Colin's explanations and Kevin's expertise.  I am attaching a summary of the points made: 

Club DevelopmentEngage with 'better' players and coaches to grow your abilities and don't shy away from competition as there is much to be learned in defeat as well as victory.
Promote an attacking mindset in your players. A team of competent pointers will struggle if the opponents have even one competent shooter.
Warm UpIt is advised to warm up before play as cold, stiff muscles don't fire as well as warmed up tissues. Also, it makes sense to get used to the ground conditions and the behaviour of the boules on landing on novel surfaces.
Consider installing different surfaces to develop players who are not going to br phased by different surface conditions.
Holding the BouleGenerally, the boules rests on the palm up against the pad of the thumb without the thumb being involved in 'holding' the boule.
If the thumb is involved it is likely to influence the the pathway of the boule.
Size and weight of the boules matters as you become more proficient or desire to be a pointer or shooter. https://www.dcpetanque.net/boule-advice.html#/
PracticeAll skills improve with focused practice. Find the best teachers / coaches and emulate their advice. If it works....apply it. Different age groups and body shapes might require some adaptation but basic principles remain constant.
Don't keep repeating the same mistakes....learn from them...and make corrective adjustments.
Step out of the ring both in practice and play, between shots, and compose yourself and then play each shot as if it was your only throw. Don't throw in frustration or anger.
Throwing ActionTry to develop a consistent throwing action that does not involve excess force. The arc of the shoulder rotation should remain stable, though the distance of the back swing may vary for the distance / nature of the throw.
Generally, but not exclusively, the lead leg matches the lead arm. The hip may be moved out of the way of the arc of the swing but consistence in action is the desired objective.
Your weight during delivery should be moved onto the lead leg for stability.
Visualise the throw and then execute the action. Repetitive action as per golf swing!!
Find the magic line and landing spot, as soon as possible for each end, by noticing your opponents landing spots and those of your own team.
TargetMore often than not the target is not the Coche [Jack] or the Boule but an identified landing spot depending on the ground conditions and your preferred style of throw. It is advised that you ensure that that spot is level by repairing [legally] any mark made by previous boules.
Shooting a 'Carreau' involves sending your boule the entire distance through the air to dislodge a boule. You might also have to do likewise to remove a coche but generally for pointing you pick a landing spot and vary your arc of delivery to suit the distance and composition of the terrain.
Any boule finishing within a 25cm circle around the Coche is potentially a winning boule but also a target for opponents. Boules some 20 cm to the left / right or better still in front of the coche create a dilemma for the opponents shooters.
Boules to the front can be promoted accidentally by the opposition or deliberately by your team. Building a 'wall' of boules across the front of the coche can be a desirable defensive strategy.
Even boules just behind the coche have a role as 'stoppers'.
Walk up to the 'head' [where the thrown bo9ules and coche are] and examine how the boules lie and determine you best strategy for the next shot.
You might have a left-handed player who would be best placed to throw next or a right-handed player depending on lines of access.
Ring / CocheThe ring is normally placed over the coche from the previous end and if there is 10m available forward then play commences from there. [Not commonly our practice so far in BBC!]
The Ring should be marked so that, if accidentally moved, it can be replaced in the original position for the remaining players. It is good practice to mark the coche, to the rear, at the same time. The coche can't be replaced if it hadn't been marked.
Both feet are meant to be inside the ring and touching the ground until the boules lands.
Rules around the Ring may vary for disabled or mobility impaired players, once organised in advance.
The team that throws the Coche can throw it their preferred distance and direction and if they point well on the first throw they have early advantage. Some times a team member can step out that distance as a guide but must not stop the coche.
StrategyYou are allowed a minute, outside of measuring time, for your throw. Players go up to the 'Head' where the Coche and previously played boules rest to discuss how best to approach the next shot.
Players are not permitted to distract other players and should remain behind the players or beyond the 'Head'. No distracting movement or dialogue.
Discretely listen to the tactics of the opposition and check the landing spot for their successful attempts for application later.
Be aware of the number of boules thrown and how many you and the opponents have left.
Depending on the lie of boules decisions to attack or defend may be prioritised.
Shooting out; planned deflections; promotions; cosying up etc. are some of the decisions to be made at the 'head' and hopefully executed.
Try to identify the strengths and weaknesses of your opponents and plan plays accordingly. Know your own strengths and weaknesses also.
Try to avoid a 'wipe-out' where you are without boules and you have left little or no defense. Remember a good opponent will shoot the Coche and potentially gain multiple points if you have no boules left. There is a time for defense as well as offense.
MeasurementsAnything that doesn't disturb the Boule or Coche is permissible for use. Usually a tape measure but their are other instruments e.g. an expandable car aerial!
You measure fro the nearest point of the Boule to the nearest point of the circumference of the Coche.
If in doubt....measure! If the measure is identical, or too close to call, then no score accrues.
PointingPointing, while not the glamour part of the game, is the bread and butter for most players. Whether by rolling along the surface or lobbing into the coche it remains the defenders weapon of choice. However, it draws out the shooters, if the opponents have it in their armoury and continuous pointing is unlikely to win many competitions.
A good point on the first boule cant set the tone and ask immediate questions of the opposition. If the boule is stuck to the Coche it might not last long but 20 cm in front or either side is good.
ShootingWhere a boule/s of the opposition are forcefully removed and driven from their position by an accurate delivery over a full pitch or from a boule driven along the surface to achieve a similar result.
Shooting is the same essential, throwing movement with a fuller arc and slightly more force. If you feel like you are dislocating your shoulder then your technique is wrong!
Very few 'shooters' have 100% success which is a lifeline for 'pointers'.
A 'Carreau' is when the opponents boule is removed and replaced by your boule.
It might be accidental or deliberate to shoot the Coche out of play. If only one team has boules remaining they get the value of the remaining boules added to their score. If both teams have boules left then that is a 'dead end' and the team who threw the Coche last throws again from the other end.
You try to make life difficult for opponent 'shooters' either by the length you throw the Coche or your distribution of your boules about the Coche.


Tom visited Cavan Petanque Club in Belturbet 0n 19-06-24 to collect 3 'Shooting Practice' Boules that were being  made by one of their members for us.  As well as collecting them he was very pleasantly surprised by the major improvements since our last visit.  Tom purchased these three boules with chains for BBC use.  A frame/s has to be created to allow single or varied shooting.  It must be portable as we can't leave it in a public park.  Any ideas welcome by committee.

Here are some photos from Belturbet today to show developments since we were there.

Cavan will join with Cabinteely to visit BBC in Alden Park perhaps in late July.  Watch this space!

BBC at the Bayside Summer Picnic    Sunday 16th at the Lamb Chop

Dirk, Ahmed and Tom D manned 2 temporary Boules areas to give locals, adults and children alike, a taster on grass!!

In the near future we will have Open Days dedicated and advertised locally to engage more with the local community with the luxury of the new pistes.

IPA Mixed Doubles    Sat 1st June    Bushy Park

Yvonne plus Eddie and Maureen plus Dirk represented BBC at this IPA event.  They had mixed fortunes but really enjoyed the learning experience.   They were even matched together for one game which Yvonne and Eddie won!

IPA Triples Sat 9th June  Ciarán, Dirk and Tom D represented the BBC in the IPA Triples competition in Marlay Park.  We performed well enough but regretted a couple of ends that cost us dearly.  It was a learning curve that will stand us in good stead.

Upcoming Events:

BBC    Sat 13th July     Eco Garden Centre, Portarlington.         Eileen, Yvonne, Maureen and Tom D are driving to Portarlington to represent the BBC and the IPA, by invitation,  for an introductory session during a French Festival.  We will be demonstrating and supporting newcomers to the game.

BBC    Sunday 14th July    Bastille Day       1100 to 1300     Usual format of 'Fun Activity' for the first hour followed by general play.  Bring your own food and drink. More detail later and a crew will be needed to set up the event. More anon.....

IPA    Sat 21st July    IPA Precision Shooting Competition          
Representing BBC                      Register before 31st May   
Tom D, Ciarán, Dirk

BBC    Tues 30th July     Malahide to visit BBC to play in Alden Park    

OPC    Sunday 4th August     Swapsies Competition    Downpatrick    Contact Tom D

BBC    Sat 10th August     v Sligo Petanque Club, in Sligo    day trip by train / contact Tom D

IPA    Sat 17th August    National Interclub Qualifiers:    New Comp.      -   Final 7th Sept.
Representing BBC                       Register before 31st May
Based on stats kept by Ciarán over the past year and initial response to expressions of interest, via a poll, the following players are to represent the BBC in a Qualifier in Marlay Park on Sat 17th August.
[Some players higher up the rankings were unavailable and at least one player had to be from the non-
dominant gender. Seven players on a team. One non-playing Coach!]
Ciarán, Chris, Mary G, Tom D, Eddie, Dirk, Tom B

PPC    Sat 24th August     PPC    Bushy Park Open Ladies doubles         €5ea
Representing BBC
Contact Tom D if interested.

FPC    24th / 25th August     Boules blitz Doubles    Frankfield, Cork City    Contact Tom D


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