116th Post: The Matchplay has commenced...good Luck to all the entrants.


Selection of photos from B.B.C. February and March play.  

Group A:   Monday Feb. 20th

Group B:  Tuesday Feb. 21st.

Group A:   Wednesday Feb. 22nd

Group A:  Monday Feb. 27th

The future of Boules in Bayside:

The B.B.C. with Age and Opportunity Grant-aid  have purchased a complete set of Boules with a view to post-Covid involvement of the senior classes in Bayside Primary Schools with Boules/Petanque.  

We have notified the Senior school of the imminent supply and our desire to support them with equipment and advice.  

We have adjusted the timetable to reflect our requirements alongside potential school use.  We will have a formal hand-over of gear  in the near future and we will use the gear ourselves during school holiday times for Open Days etc.

2023 Singles Matchplay is underway:
There has been a great response to Ciaran's request for expressions of interest in the first matchplay of 2023.  Forty players have signed up out of a possible fifty.  Each player plays 4 pool games and, based on results, the next round will be tiered with four groups identified.  Each of the four tiers will have a voucher prize for a local business and the top tier players will be playing for the Singles Matchplay Trophy, currently in Shay Coyne's possession.

Tom D has played Jim D to kick off the competition this morning.  All players are responsible for organising their games and posting the fixture into the WhatsApp Group and the winner posts the result of their two-game pool match into the WhatsApp group, also.  Check the WhatsApp [Match Play. BBC] for further details.

Fingal Co.Co. improvements in Alden Park:

The park has seen works recently to 

  • trim the hedgerows
  • remove the old protective cages from trees and trim the low branches
  • install signage for dog owners and  breeds that are particularly controlled.


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