115th Post: The Gritty and not so Gritty...

As the weather becomes a little kinder we are contemplating removing a layer.....but that could all be reversed. Play continues on Monday and Wednesday mornings for Group A and Tuesday and Thursday for Group B. The Wednesdays and Thursdays are fluid and Saturday mornings also. 

Pics from Group A play Monday 13th ....

Group B pics from Tuesday 31st Jan ........

Monday Competition standings after Week 5....

Only two players managed the full house, Chris and Tom B.  The rest of us played valuable supporting roles!

Piste Management....

We removed a barrow of grit off each piste to get rid of the 'soft spots' that were concerning the 'Tossers' , the 'Rollers' and even the 'Gunslingers'.  It will be interesting to hear the reviews!  I'll wear my ear muffs!

Overarching WhatsApp Group:

Ciaran is in the process of creating an overall WhatsApp that will allow general messages to all bodies on our books from the regulars to those summer Social players and those still in the workforce.  He will be shortly requesting entries for the next Singles Matchplay competition. 
Currently, we have 55 names on our lists which is a great achievement in a short time.

Bayside Community Association:

Bayside Community Association have been a great support to B.B.C. [ note the full stops to discriminate us from the slightly more famous BBC !].  We have been able to access Age and Opportunity grant moneys; avail of their equipment e.g. tents, led lights etc. and their Public Liability Insurance cover.  We piggyback on their status as a Fingal PPN Residents Association. 

Fingal Public Participation Network (PPN) is a network of community, voluntary, social inclusion and environmental organisations, working to build a better county for the community of Fingal.

A Proposal to Fingal for extension to boules area.  

We have looked for 2 more pistes with ancillary pathways, wheelchair access and 2 further benches following a meeting with officers from fingal Operations.   This would facilitate greater numbers playing at one time and potentially playing other boules groups without much sitting about. 
It would be envisaged that there would be greater participation by senior school classes from the neighbouring Primary School, on a timetabled basis, with the extra pistes catering for a full class.
The Boules are in the Fingal Co. Co. court now!

Flyers have been distributed to the immediate community to keep them informed as well as the schools.  Current players living nearby were not sent flyers as this post should suffice. Posters are on the back of our Notice Board with the proposal, also.  We will place two on the front also.   We will also post on the Bayside Community Association Facebook Page.


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