103rd Post.....Pandemic Easing.....

Group play is continuing on Monday for Group A and Tuesday for Group B. and, for now, casual play is also happening on Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings.

Group A is fully formed and Group B is now over-subscribed so I reckon that by summer 2022 we will have a neonate Group C.  We are keeping an eye on numbers and the most recent arrivals may be asked to commence a supported, new group if numbers keep expanding.  We have set a ceiling of twenty players in each 'formal' group to try to ensure players can play with three boules, generally.  Occasionally, you may be obliged to play with two boules each e.g. when five are playing a 3 v 2.  However with absences for a variety of reasons the max. attendees rarely applies.

Casual Saturday play on 26th Feb.:

Tuesday 22nd February Group B play:

New members Christy Forde, Francis Daly and Anne Doyle have been enjoying play in the crisp sunshine.

Some photos of Group A competition on Mondays in February 2022:

Week 5 / 11[ from Ciaran ]

Much will have changed after last Monday!!  Watch the AVG scores for a real picture of performance!

Singles Matchplay Competition: 1st Quarter 2022

Ciaran has advised that the new Singles Matchplay Mixed Competition will commence in early March 2022.  All interested parties from any group must have entries in by 2359 hours Friday 4th March to Ciaran via WhatsApp.  As with last time there is a Matchplay WhatApp Group where fixtures and results are entered.  The fixtures and any other communication [ incl. JOKES, MEMES, GIFS etc] should not be posted as it clutters up the App for the organiser/s.  Organise your fixtures separately and only post the names with agreed time and date.  Ciaran will supply the list of phone numbers on the App.
As usual these matches can be played at any free time across the week, avoiding Group play times and making sure that one piste is free for general public use besides.  Further details will follow on the WhatApp Matchplay Group.
Once again ...outr thanks to Ciaran for setting up the systems.  We will support in any way possible to relieve him of some of the workload.

5 Euro competition entry fee will apply to cover prizes.  Either hand this to Tom Donnellan/Eileen Donnellan or post into 17 Verbena Park in an envelope with your name, contact number and marked Singles Matchplay.

A separate  5 has been received from most players to contribute to maintenance of the pistes and insurance contribution to Bayside Community Association.  A few outstanding notes are still due.

Irish Petanque Association Competitions.

Both Ciaran and Tom Donnellan have entered the National Singles competition to be played in Bushy Park in mid to late March.  Ciaran performed very well against seasoned campaigners last year.  We hope to represent the B.B.C. with pride and crests!!

Michael Dolan, Tom D and Ciaran may also 'risk' the Triples competition in April.......


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