72nd Post .... Mothballed for now....

We are under starting orders....the vaccines are arriving....the virus is mutating...we are still  hibernating.....yet the clack of the boules is imminent!.

How can something so small wreak such havoc?  I suppose we just need to remember...... babies!

The Boules Pistes haven't gone away you know.......  they are calling from a short distance away....

They are lying in wait...... trapping the occasional unwary intruders.......

Some work is never done as Gay and Heather continue to pick up litter in the various green spaces in the area including Alden Park.  Our thanks for their civic-minded efforts even in pandemic.

You remember when nature was trying to reclaim the neglected boules area....

Well the intrepid warriors stepped into the breach to restore the beach .....

And order was restored to proceedings.....all wearing the anti-slagging masks.....they didn't work!!

The snow tried its best with it's blanket protest......

But from out of their their hides emerged another intrepid maintenance crew....

To whack the paths into shape.  Our thanks to Denis for the loan of his hired machine.
Meanwhile the mystery of the shovel and fork was solved and the items were duly returned to their rightful owner.  Case closed.

Apparently Boules Areas are being considered by Fingal in Baldoyle and Donabate.  Where will it all end???!!!!

Quiz Question to finish off:  When was this taken?


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