70th Post...Two for the price....

7th December 2020

Resumption of Group Play with Week 8 for Group A

Does Gerry have an Aura or what???

All wrapped up for Winter play...[ Photos courtesy of Ciaran]

Back with Group play for the moment!!!  Great to see Sean back spectating for the moment....

Today: 14-12-20

The following pictures are from Monday 14th competition play.  We had 12 players from Group A on a sunny, mild  December morning.  The gap is narrowing slightly at the top end.  Gerry has definitely joined the fray.  Both Agnes and Gerry had perfect scores today.  The table template in use is an older version including some names from before Group B was established.

Gerry is 'Recalculating' on his way to 3 x 13!!

Daylight robbery....all masked up!

Sure what else would you be doing on a Monday at 9.30 a.m. Any resemblance to the Mediterranean is purely coincidental!

Agnes telling Gerry that nothing less than 13 is the acceptable!

Ciaran is about to launch....Charlie is taking no chances ...Michael hmmmm...not so sure!.

That's why they call him the 'Rake'....

Well you never can tell.......Dib..Dib..

In the New Year Group B will collect a small fee to cover their costs over the year.  As with Group A we will pay a token amount to Bayside Community Association [BCA] for our contribution to the 'umbrella' insurance cover for any events we might arrange.
Hopefully Group B will start a group competition as with Group A and have their own trophy for their presentation.  Group A have three more play days to finish their final 2020 competition and then we could start the next ones simultaneously, Covid permitting, in early 2021.

Thanks to Tom B and Tom D for brightening up the park entrance for even a few hours this Christmas.
[photo courtesy of Ciaran]


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