65th Post...A Plan for Living...

Following suggestions from members of the B.B.C. Boules Group and with the new Level 5 Covid Restrictions in place - 'A Plan for Living' - we decided that the normal group playing couldn't continue but we could run a Singles Matchplay competition without contravening the restrictions.  
Below are a list of some of the behaviours that will allow it happen.

B.B.C. Boules during Level 5 Plan for Living
Oct. 17th to Nov 30th
No GROUP PLAY during this period.
For this period we are playing a Singles Matchplay Competition.
No more than 4 players on the courts / pistes in total.
Only 2 pistes to be in use at any time.
Use Piste A and C or B and D to keep distance between players.
Wear masks and social distance even if from same household.
Mark out your own throwing circle / line. Use your own boules etc.
Bring a measuring tape and pen and paper for keeping scores.
A rake is available if you need it.
Contact the designated person/s with scores.
Follow the Blog and WhatsApp group to stay up to date.
If Bayside School are officially using the Pistes do NOT play alongside.
The Doubles was a great success in no small measure to Ciaran and his IT skills.  Once again he has surpassed our expectations with a magnificent App that combines the making of fixtures and adaptive scoring.  
His Timetable, Contact No.s  and Scoresheet is just brilliant.  It took hours to set up and it takes time daily to update.  I speak for all in appreciation of his efforts that wouldn't be out of place in the higher echelons of Champions League let alone a nascent boules group in a Dublin suburb.

What has the Single Matchplay taught us so far:
  • Someone with the skills of Ciaran is a local treasure!
  • Communication is vital in these times.  Meeting and chatting and playing are more important than ever [ within the advice parameters ].  Mobile phones have been a God-send.
  • It has been a great way of mingling the different groups and introducing new members.
  • Its not the taking part...its the winning that counts!!!!
  • One and a half hours is proving tight for single matchplay when  playing three ends.
  • Players creativity in designing their own scoreboards has been laudable.
  • When you draw a line to stand behind .... two metres is a little long!!
  • Scrub out your previous line as it may cause confusion next time.
  • Bring wet gear and umbrellas to be sure to be sure!!
  • Only rake at the beginning and the end...not during the game!!
  • Try not to distract players if arriving before preceding games are over.
  • Everybody's level of skill is improving....though shooting is not a huge feature of singles.
  • Having the pistes being used continuously, especially during this Halloween half-term, is proving invaluable.

Below are screenshots of the hours of work Ciaran is putting into the organisation of the competition...
[ not current details ]

The first group of players about to play in the inaugural singles matchplay. Monday 26-10-20

Masked and socially distanced Singles Matchplay under way....


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