57th Post........Like Peas in a Pod....


What a beautiful morning!  Half way through our second competition and Ciaran is still in 'pole position' with thirteen 13s already! Charlie's Bronze Boules have catapulted him into Bronze Position!

Larry had a very productive morning amassing a maximum 36 points.  The scoring averages column is interesting with Chris's average of 11.55 and Gerry on 11.42 both slightly ahead of Ciaran, at present.  We wish the two Gerry's well on their paths to recovery.

I forgot to take photos while in the heat of battle so I took a couple of shots of the 11.30 a.m. group who were playing after us.  Chris, Tommy and John played singles for an hour and a half.

We are in the throes of creating a second group.  I've changed the WhatApp group titles to Bayside Group A and Bayside Group B to be followed hopefully by Bayside Group C in the future.

The idea is to try to create pods of 16 which are Covid compliant but also allow us have no more than four players on each piste which is the preferred option.  Group A has 20 playing members which is 4 more than the ideal.  To overcome this we are asking a group of four to play after us and we are rotating this group for now.

Unless four players let us know by Sunday night that they cant play on the Monday morning we will use this format for the remaining weeks of the competition period.

Any new members will be asked to join the new group and if that fills up to sixteen we will begin Group C.

I hope to apply for a start-up grant through the Bayside Community Association / Age Action which might provide the 'Seed Capital' to equip the new Group B for capital equipment.  They will have to assume ownership of their 'gear' and store it as our storage situation is convenient for one group only.
We will support and mentor any new group until they become established.  The fee they colloect, if the grant comes through, can be the 'Seed Capital' for the next group etc.

A rule ..... that we were not sure about came to the fore in our game when there's an invalid throw of the Jack e.g. beyond the 10 m. mark.  Here's the rule....note the last line!

If the jack has not been thrown in accordance with the rules defined above, the opposing team will place the jack in a valid position on the terrain. They can also move the circle back, in accordance with the conditions defined in these rules, if the first teams positioning of the circle did not allow the jack to be thrown the maximum distance. In any case, the team which lost the jack after the invalid throw must play the first boule.

As per our meeting with the senior parks official, Ted Lynch,  the excess growth inside the perimeter walls and around the tress have been sprayed.  Last week, as promised, the tree/hedge growth along the perimeter of the school has been cut back [ if a bit violently!]  If anyone is interested and free to tidy up some of the 'shattered branches' during the week please let me know.

He also promised that the pathways would be restored to their original width in the near future.  Fingers crossed!

We are keeping on top of the graffiti in the hope 'they' get dismayed with our persistence rather than the reverse!

The local Bayside SNS have responded positively to the suggestion of the timetabled availability of the pistes to their senior school.  We may meet with them in the near future and 'covid-permitting' initiate the training of teachers who in turn could organise the pupils.  Early days....

Our thanks to Eileen, Agnes and Tom who cleaned up litter from the park perimeter and inside the school railings last Tuesday.  This was our part of a Bayside-wide clean up that happens monthly.  Strangely the bags are still there almost a week later.....


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