56th Post ..... The tables never lie...



Despite the inclement forecast we were spared rain and had a lovely morning's play.  We had fifteen on board so everyone played 3 boules each with the three players on Piste D playing singles.

As you can see Ciaran has added extra detail into the table including scoring averages.  Gerry and Tom managed the top score of the day.  Gerry and Charlie are currently on the same score.  Ciaran has managed 11 thirteens in the five weeks thus far.

With the Covid restrictions and the increasing interest from other parties the original organising group are to meet after play next Wednesday at noon to discuss a few matters:

  • the outcome of the recent meeting with Cllr Hopkins.
  • how to manage and timetable the increasing numbers.
  • a proposal for an additional Matchplay Competition.
  • what format to use with different numbers of players.
  • opportunity to liaise with the Senior School to permit outdoor P.E. activity and grow the sport.
  • AOB ........... Text me if you have anything you'd like brought up.
I forgot to take a few pictures today but thankfully Ciaran took a couple.  

Have a look at this Boules Refresher You Tube video.

Petanque rules – 2016 – English

[This is an American English translation of the FIPJP rules, prepared by Stephen Ferg. The formatting is very simple HTML. This page is meant to provide an easily-accessible online copy of the rules for English-speaking players. Text in square brackets are translator’s comments. For more information and printable formats, see THIS.]


Article 5 – Regulation terrains

Petanque is played on all surfaces.

However, by decision of the Organizing Committee or the Umpire, the teams may be required to play on a marked terrain.  In this case, the latter must have, for National Championships and International Competitions, the following minimum dimensions: 15m x 4m.

For other competitions, federations may allow their subdivisions to grant exemptions from these minimum requirements, except for dimensions smaller than 12m x 3m.  [i.e. national federations may allow local and regional competitions to be played on terrains as small as 12m x 3m.]

A playing area is composed of an indefinite number of terrains defined by strings whose size must not affect the smooth running of the game.

These strings delimiting the different terrains are not dead-ball lines except for the lines at the end of the lane and those of the exterior lanes.  When the game terrains are arranged end-to-end, the lines at the end of the lane are considered to be dead-ball lines.

When the terrains are enclosed by [spectator] barriers, these must be located at a minimum distance of 1 meter from the exterior line of the game terrains.

Games are played to 13 points, with the possibility to play those of leagues and qualifying heats to 11 points.

Some competitions can be organized with time-limited games. These must always be played on terrains where all of the boundary lines are then dead-ball lines.

Article 6 – Start of play and rules concerning the circle

The players must conduct a draw to determine which of the two teams will choose the terrain (if it has not been assigned by the organizers) and first throw the jack.

In case of assignment of a terrain by the organizers, the jack must be thrown on the assigned terrain. The teams concerned may not go to any other terrain without the permission of the Umpire.

One of the players (it makes no difference which one) of the team that won the draw chooses the starting place and draws or places a circle on the ground such that the feet of each of the players can fit entirely inside it.

However, a drawn circle may not measure less than 35cm or more than 50cm in diameter.

Where a physical circle is used, it must be rigid and have an internal diameter of 50cms (tolerance:  ±2mm).

Folding circles are permitted on condition that they are of models approved by the FIPJP, especially with respect to their rigidity.

When the organizer provides regulation or approved circles, the players are required to use them.   They must also accept regulation rigid circles or folding circles approved by the FIPJP that are provided by their opponent. If both teams have them the choice will be made by the team that won the draw.

In all cases the circles should be marked before the throw of the jack.

The throwing circle must be drawn (or placed) more than one meter from any obstacle and at least 2 meters from another throwing circle in use.

The team that won the right to throw the jack – either after the draw or because it scored in the previous mene – has the right to only one attempt [to throw the jack].  If it is not successful, the jack is given to the other team, which places it [the jack] wherever it wants within the conditions specified in the rules.

The team that is going to throw the jack must erase all throwing circles near the one that it is going to use.

The interior of the circle can be completely cleared at any time during the mene, but its state must be restored at the end of the mene.

The circle is not considered to be out-of-bounds.

The player’s feet must be entirely inside the circle.  They must not overlap it, and they must not leave the circle or be completely lifted off the ground until the thrown boule has touched the ground.   No other part of the player’s body may touch the ground outside the circle. Any player not respecting this rule shall incur the penalties specified in Article 35.

There is one exception.  Players with a handicap of the lower limbs are not required to place more than one foot inside the circle. For players throwing from a wheelchair, at least one wheel (that on the side of the throwing arm) must rest inside the circle.

The throw of the jack by a player of a team does not imply that he is required to play first.

If a player picks up the circle when there remain boules to be played, the circle is put back in place but only the opponents are allowed to play their boules.


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