30th Post.....The Virulent Exchange.......

GUBU times again   ..............Grotesque, Unbelievable, Bizarre, Unprecedented........

Bayside Boules / Petanque


If you have any symptoms of a cold, flu or coronavirus please don’t attend.
Best if you and a few others play casually at your leisure.  Make your own arrangements through the App or otherwise.
Keep your distance on the pistes..  No need for contact greetings or congratulations.
We won’t distribute the cards to decide partners….we’ll just randomly allocate you to a piste before play.
We bring our own equipment and please don’t share gear.
Person who distribute and collect the playing gear on any day please use disposable gloves.
Use new disposable  gloves if raking and bin them afterwards in the newly installed bin.
Have tissues at the ready at all times for sneezes etc.
Bring your own coloured pegs for scoring and only you use them.
Have a designated measurer for the game so only one person is using the tape which will be disinfected before and after the games.
To measure one player puts a foot against the ball while another measures. No more crouching over in groups!
Mobile Phone App. -  Petanque: Score Marker might negate the need for a scoresheet at this time.  Download it and try it out.
Wash ‘material’ gloves regularly if you use them.  

Enjoy the Games; the Banter; the Fresh air until we’re told we can’t!


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