18th Post.....Somewhere over the Rainbow!

Seven players escaped the rain but were buffered by the gusting gale.  The rain duly arrived but just as play finished at noon.  Two newcomers joined five regulars and were treated to a spectacular rainbow heralding the approaching rainstorm.  The wind affected the plastic 'coshes' hinting at the reason that competition coshes are wooden.  Nonetheless play continued and was enjoyed by all.
Remember to click on the photos to enlarge.

Some people are just born 'lucky'....

Two newcomers having their day in the sun....

Don't know if its the wonderful cluster or the garish boule....

Born to Boule....
Some players just cast long shadows.....

Really...its a Mediterranean game!!

We are in the process of researching rules for the 'Jack' or 'Coche' hitting the side wall of the piste.  As competitions in France have a string or no boundary the official rules don't cover the scenario.  Watch this space....


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