15th Post: Happy New Year 2020

Image result for free happy new year 2020 for boules images

Almost all houses in Alden and Verbena Estates have now been canvassed regarding the new facility. Approximately 350 houses by hand-posted flyers.  Notices have been posted in Alden Park to advertise the upcoming practice dates.
Bayside Community Association have been e-mailed and a post has been placed on their Facebook Page.  Their officers have been invited to play alongside the early up-takers on Thursday 2nd Jan. and/or Sat. 4th January [weather permitting] so that they are familiar with the game in advance of the official opening later in January 2020.
Late December 2019 photos below.

Me thinks the tape is needed!....nice footwear though!

Great cluster of  Boules

If interested the following post outlines the 'official' competition rules.  We're not at that stage and we apply local rules to simplify and speed up the play.  Not all our start-up gear is 'official' but it permits us to get equipment to as many players   as quickly and cheaply as possible.  A few practice boules are available for introductory taster sessions.



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