14th Post...The Weather mightn't be heating up but the Scoring is!


Image result for christmas petanque images

We hope to have a Christmas Session on Friday 27th weather permitting. Bring your own mince pie!

Despite the weather we are continuing to develop the game in Alden Park with play on two mornings a week, when possible.  The combination of  'tutors' from St. Anne's Park and 'tutees' from the locality means we have healthy numbers.  The locals are now very competitive.  We play singles, doubles or triples depending on numbers.  As you can glean from the photos winning is becoming fashionable and habitual!
Sometime in January Fingal Co. Co hope to officially open the facility.  Will keep everybody posted.

We get passers-by taking a inquisitive interest......

As one players recently remarked ..'who put that 
boiler house there?'  since going into its shade cause an
obvious drop in temperature.


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