8th Post....New Boules Please....

One of those days.....grey and grim with the constant threat of rain but the lure of the Boules proved more attractive than the daunting weather for a few well-clad locals.

Seven players made their way to the 'PLAYGROUND'  to sample the delights of the Mediterranean sport with the thermals stuffed into the socks.

Getting the 'starter sets' of Boules, so that they can play at any time, might have added to their enthusiasm in the face of the forecast.  We have four different colours to help with identification during play.

The rain held off for the hour and a half and armed with the new boules we had a great session of competitive fun.  The measuring tape was highly sought after as 'home-town' decisions were queried!

As we can see there are no 'losers' in Boules....only winners!  A pity that our only lady player, Agnes,  had just departed before the photo.  She'll feature in many more, I'm certain.

The sessions on Saturday mornings will have the assistance of players from St. Anne's Park, Raheny group.  The formal sessions will be advertised, in advance, on the posters in Alden Park.

One team scored a max. of 13 to the oppositions 0.  The French have a term for that situation which I'll leave you to research.


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